Since XiniX comes with the bare minimum required to get a basic working system, drivers for most equipment will need to be installed in order to get a fully working device. This process can be difficult especially if you are not a technical user which is why we want to make the process as easy as possible. A board has been setup to obtain this information so our staff can bundle the necessary packages for your computer to make installation easy! First check if your device is already listed in the 'Access > Device > Drivers' area of XiniX and simply select 'Install' from the associated listbox if it is, otherwise, submit the required information by going to: the 'Posts' post on how and what to obtain and submit. Afterwards, keep an eye out for your device in the 'Drivers' listing within the OS and install it once it becomes available. There may be some follow-up questions to your post, so be sure to review it while waiting for your driver set.
Help us get as many device driver sets setup this month as we possibly can by submitting the information for all the equipment you have access to!